Monday, March 7, 2011

Change of attitude needed

I was planning on going to Mission Arlington with the BCM for the Mardi Gras break, Friday through Tuesday. I was looking forward to it and then Wednesday I got sick. It was nothing serious, just a cold. I don't think people were going to ride in a van 7 hours with me blowing my nose and coughing, nor would I want to ride in van 7 hours doing that. So I didn't end up going. By Friday I wasn't really feeling to bad, mainly just coughing, but still decided it would be better for me if I didn't go.

Although I didn't go to Arlington the Lord still provided a way for me to serve on Friday. Friday Jimmy, Jessica, and I were able to help Ms. Becky with the community ministries at Parkview. Jimmy was cleaning and straightening out one closet and Jessica and I were organizing the clothes closet. Organizing the clothes closet consisted of going through bags of clothes, folding them or hanging them, and putting them in the right category.

I admitted to Jessica that this was probably my least favorite thing to do to serve. Sort clothes. I can't even manage to put my own clothes away most of the time. This very thing I'm complaining about though might of been the very thing I would of been doing in Arlington though. Would I of still not enjoyed in Arlington? Probably. Major attitude change is needed.

It's more than just the act of serving in this manner that I need to change. While going through these clothes how many items did I laugh at or try on mockingly or make comments about. How many times did I think to myself who would actually wear this. The reality is many people would wear it. People who are happy just to have an outfit. People who are grateful to have somewhere they can get clothes from because they can't quite afford clothes. They don't get a choice about what clothes are available for them but i guarantee you they are appreciative of the clothes no matter how they look or outdated it might be. Attitude change needed.

I need to be grateful I have as many clothes as I do. Grateful I can afford to buy "stylish" clothes. I need to remember Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.

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