Thursday, April 29, 2010

Return to the Lord

At the BCM this semester I took part in a minor prophets Bible study. The minor prophets are the books Hosea through Malachi. They are called minor not because they are less significant but because they are shorter in length. Return to the Lord, whether directly stated or not, is a common theme in most, if not all, of the minor prophets.

I didn't realize it until this week, that just as the people then and those nations were being called to return to the Lord those many, many years ago so am I today. With stuff I had been going through that's what I needed to do more than anything, return to the Lord.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Come Now Is The Time To Worship

This morning in church, during the welcome, an older lady in front of me said to an older lady next to me (words may not be exact but the message is not altered), "He's wearing blue jeans to church. I'm sure he had other selections to wear." She was a worker with an assisted living home that came to church so I thought maybe she's talking about one of the men with them. Nope, the two men with them are in khakis. I look around. Andrew is two down from me in the pew, maybe she's talking about him, but I don't really think she can see him. I follow her gaze. Matt, he had just done the whole welcome gig. She says something about you can see him on the pew and something about a younger generation. The lady next to me said, "At least he's here. That's what matters." Amen, lady next to me. I found it so appropriate that the next song we sang was Come Now Is The Time To Worship.

Come, now is the time to worship.
Come, now is the time to give your heart.
Come, just as you are, to worship
Come, just as you are, before your God.

One day every tongue will confess You are God.
One day every knee will bow.
Still the greatest treasure remains for those
Who gladly choose you now.

What people are wearing, is this what church has come to? God isn't going to turn you away because of what you're wearing. Really, is this what churches are becoming? It's not just clothing either. I know people who get mad when someone else is in "their seat." Can you not worship God, the whole reason for going to church, from another spot. Do you not think He will hear you? He will. Churches are becoming to much about physical and material stuff. Loosing the reason and meaning for going.

Somewhat related (earlier in my mind it tied in a lot smoother) Healing Place just completed a huge new arena. I get it if you are out of room to fit everybody then there is a need for a larger facility. What I don't get is the book store. The coffee shop. I'm not trying to put down Healing Place or there ministries. I am in no position to speak of those. I'm really in no position to speak on there new facility either, I have never been there. Are those necessary though. Why not use the money spent on those parts of the new building to send out missionaries or to expand the arena even bigger for even more future growth. I feel like the church is turning into a market place and can't help but think of Jesus destroying the temple in John 2. I recognize the difference in the market place in the temple beck then and what HPC is doing but nonetheless the church is becoming a market. People may be losing sight of the reason for the church, Jesus Christ.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Why are you coming?

I probably shouldn't post this now with how I'm feeling and with how tired I am. It's just been one of those days, and not that it was a bad day, just a "one of those days" kind of days. I just want to sleep.

I don't get why some people come to TNT. People who come and don't pay attention to anything that is being said. People who come and whisper to their friend all throughout the message. This is something I've heard not just tonight but other nights as well. People in front of me, behind me, on the side of me, where ever they might be. Why are you coming?

I mean yes it is good to fellowship with other believers but do so in the appropriate time and place not when you are disturbing others who are trying to listen to the Word. Others who are there to praise the Lord and to learn more about Him. I know I am far from perfect and there are times at TNT when I question, why am I here? I am not immune to going with wrong motives. Tonight I found myself really having to pray to not make my focus be on people there, who I'd said hi to, who I wanted to still say hi to but that my focus would be on God.

This really isn't even just a TNT thing. It's a class thing too. Why do some people come to class if they aren't going to pay attention but whisper the whole time. Like I said it's been one of those kind of days.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


This weekend at DNOW I emphasized accountability a number of times. I don't think they really understand how important it is (or at least I think so) and much of a difference it can make. I told them how in just the past month how life changing it has been for me and realizing you're not alone in your struggles. Having someone to confess to and pray for me and likewise for me to pray for. Someone who can encourage you but who will also call you out and straight up say you've been spiritually lazy. It might sound harsh but if it's the truth there's no denying it, and it was the truth and I needed to be told it. Since being told that I have gotten back into reading my Bible. I, especially those first few days after, truly desired to read more, to spend time with God. I don't know if I've ever felt that before. I'd be in the middle of something and I'd get the strongest urge to go hang with God, to go read my Bible. A desire so great that I had not before experienced. Sadly now that desire has already waned a little. I pray I get it back. I pray it is always my desire to hunger and to thirst for more of Him, always.

Even worshiping has changed for me now. I'm singing and there's like this new praise and thankfulness. Joy. I don't leave worship feeling depressed. I leave feeling renewed. God is good. God is Great!

I have a new joy now, just in life in general.

No matter what it is you might be struggling with, confessing it to someone, I truly feel is the best thing you can do. If I fall back into old habits or sins there is someone I have to tell. There's that little voice in my head that says you wouldn't have to tell them they'd never know, you could lie. But no I can't lie. I honestly believe I wouldn't be able to. I would have to confess. I'd be letting myself down. I'd be letting them down. I'd be letting God down.

I've gone to two people. I don't know if either of them could really be considered accountability partners in its fullest sense. Yes, I have confessed to them and they to me. I pray for them. They have prayed for me. However, there's a little more to accountability than that. You need (I need) someone asking the tough questions and asking so what did you read in your Bible this week? What are you memorizing? Have you been praying? What is god teaching you? What is God doing in your life? But nonetheless it is a step forward in the right direction.

James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah!

Just singing that one word. I love it! Something about singing it over and over again is so great!

I feel like it's one word yet means so much. (We know what we're told about the credibility of wikipedia and I'm about to sum up what wikipedia said, so take it as you will). Hallelujah means praise the Lord. Joyous praise. And oh how much we have to praise the Lord for! Merriam-Webster says hallelujah is used to express praise, joy, or thanks.

Hallelujah! Thank you Lord!