Sunday, February 26, 2012

SE Asia 2011: Leading up to it

During the end of summer 2010 at Glorieta I was already starting to think about what the next summer would hold. I began praying about where I would go, if anywhere, but I knew I wanted to go serve. There was a bit of an emphasis on England and Canada at Glorieta, or at least that's what it seemed like to me.

As I prayed about where the Lord would send me I kind of already had a specific project in England in my mind. I tried not to focus my prayer on just that project but where ever the Lord wanted me to go. SE Asia came to my mind as I prayed. I just pushed that thought aside the first time or two. But the more I prayed the more it kept coming to mind. Ok Lord, I hear you, I'm going to keep praying about this.

One night I'm getting something to eat with Jessica and Sarah at Koi. Jessica mentions she was thinking about going back to SE Asia. Message received Lord. I'm going to SE Asia. I tell Jessica I'd been praying about where to go and SE Asia kept coming back to me. And so the planning began.

Picking the dates was tricky. July was decided but exact dates were not yet settled on yet. My best friend was getting married in July and I'm supposed to be a bridesmaid. I can't miss her wedding. College week in Glorieta is in the beginning of August. I really want to go back to it. It was life changing for me last year. Wedding is July 16. Glorieta is Aug 6. That's only 3 weeks. We want to go 4 weeks. Maybe I could join late or leave early? I want to so much to go to Glorieta but that's what will be left out if something has to, which something will. SE Asia will certainly be life changing. I'll be able to grow and mature and all that in SE Asia, in different ways than I would at Glorieta but it's still be a blessing.

Finally one night, I want to say it was in November but I could be wrong, I finally decide to really pray about it all. Lord the situation is in Your hands. I know both things can't happen. Let me be okay with missing out on Glorieta. Missing out on it to be in SE Asia will be so worth it. Work in the situation so it'll be what you have planned.

Next afternoon, about 4 something, I get a text from Ashley. The wedding is going to be moved up a week. Are. You. Serious!? I wasn't expecting the Lord to answer my prayer so soon. And to answer in that way. Lord you are so good. I'm sorry for doubting.

Dates are set July 6th- August 6th. Wedding is July 9th. I'll join the group just a couple of days late. I don't remember everbody's flight schedule but I remember that mine travel days and arrival, all that jazz, was taking one less day then everyone elses. I forgot how exactly but I think it's because I didn't have any long layovers and the time I arrived would allow me to get to the home sleep the night and jump right in the next day/technically the same day I arrived.

There was some stress with all the planning. That's when I started losing sleep. When I would turn out the light to go to sleep that's when all the thoughts about the summer would just hit me, things that still needed to be done, and etc. It would keep me up at least a couple extra hours. I had never had a problem like this before and unfortunately it hasn't ended with SE Asia. Now other things that stress me out now have the ability to keep me up. :( But anyway back to SE Asia.

Despite those times of stress, I have no doubt that SE Asia is where the Lord wanted to send me during the summer.

Happy Moments

There are two things from the past week that brought happiness.

1. The prayer of a child. "God, I pray for everyone and everybody. Amen."

2. BlueBell Mardi Gras King Cake icecream.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Birthday to me!

If you're thinking, "wait, you're birthday is in January," then you are right. My birthday is in January. But today is my spiritual birthday. 8 years.

I can remember where I was throughout the next day when I told people. I told my mom in the car waiting at the bus stop. I told Rebecca in the cafeteria, the one in the 8th grade hall. I'm not sure if I called Ashley and told her on the phone or if I told her on aim. I do know I was on aim with her when I called Patti.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17

Money Can't Buy Happy

This week can be summed up as unhappy.

I've really learned what it means that money can't buy happiness. I have a job and get paid to do a lot of nothing. You would think that would be enjoyable but I am so unhappy. The only reason I haven't quit yet is because I don't know what I would do. Honestly though I don't know how much longer I can stay at this job if I'm always going to be this unhappy.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

She Let Herself Go

*post was originally started on 12/12/11. Just now finishing it on 02/19/12. New addition in bold.*

I let myself go. No, not in the George Strait song kind of way. Cyber Monday sales got me. I was doing some Christmas shopping on Amazon and had also conveniently got an email from Amazon about their Cyber Monday book sale. One or two books turned into seven .
  • Every Young Woman's Battle
  • Every Woman's Battle
  • Passion and Purity
  • Lady in Waiting
  • I Kissed Dating Goodbye
  • Boy Meets Girl
  • Sex is Not the Problem, Lust is.

I felt a little ridiculous after ordering all those but all those books and a couple of other items and it was about $55, that's the total with the shipping. A pretty good deal. But still why did I buy so many relationship/purity books!?

I still don't know what came over me with this purchase. I for once wasn't wanting to be in a relationship. I was in a pretty good place of just enjoying life, no crushes. I had previously read Every Young Woman's Battle and wanted to get it for myself. Books were on sale so sure, I'll get that one. But I'm growing up, not a teenager anymore, might as well get Every Woman's Battle too. I read someone else's blog and they raved about how good Passion and Purity is. I'm not sure how the others got in there. Amazon started suggesting books. The last three listed are by the same author, so I guess I felt like I needed the collection. Although, I'm pretty sure he has more.

Now I will finally start reading them. Maybe (big maybe) I'll post reviews or thoughts I about them.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Working Girl

I finally started working last Tuesday. It's had its ups and downs. The other job I applied for didn't happen. I had the interview. I thought things went pretty well. I have a college degree in a very much related field, but I never heard back. I really wanted the job too :(.
The current job isn't really bad. It's mainly just the hours don't work well with the few other things I do, although I am thankful to be able to have earlier hours on Thursdays and they've been flexible and allowed me to switch up hours one other day last week and this week. Daytime hours would just work so much better for me. Better pay would be nice, especially with the driving I do for the job.

But the job is a blessing. For starters, I have a job while so many people are unemployed. Also, the family is a blessing. I can't go into much detail because of their privacy. Let's just put it this way, they were dealing with what they're dealing with before much of anything was known about it, which is kind of fascinating and inspiring. I'm also learning from this job.

With all that being said though I have still been looking for another job. A little while ago a friend called me with a possible opportunity. As much as yes I do want something else I feel guilty when I think about quitting and leaving the family without a worker. Hopefully a worker can be found quickly if I do leave. I just can't shake the feeling of feeling like I've wronged them by coming into their lives, their home, and then leaving after such a short time. Much to be prayed about.