Thursday, August 30, 2012

It Overwhelms and Satisfies my Soul

Lately I have found such joy in the Lord. This is something I'm not sure I fully understood before. I could try and explain it or what I mean, or I can just accept it and leave you with a brief summary. I choose the latter. 

Experiencing the peace the Lord gives was great, is great, but it can't just stay at that. Something else needs to evolve from it, some sort of growth. There are only two options, you're either growing or dying. Stagnation may seem like a third option, but it's not. It is a lack of growth, therefore, dying. Well, that peace has turned into something. 

It has turned into joy. I am happy, I crave spending time with the Lord, I'm genuinely excited about the Lord's work, and I have so much I want to share with others about the Lord and what I have learned or am learning. 

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