Thursday, February 9, 2012

Working Girl

I finally started working last Tuesday. It's had its ups and downs. The other job I applied for didn't happen. I had the interview. I thought things went pretty well. I have a college degree in a very much related field, but I never heard back. I really wanted the job too :(.
The current job isn't really bad. It's mainly just the hours don't work well with the few other things I do, although I am thankful to be able to have earlier hours on Thursdays and they've been flexible and allowed me to switch up hours one other day last week and this week. Daytime hours would just work so much better for me. Better pay would be nice, especially with the driving I do for the job.

But the job is a blessing. For starters, I have a job while so many people are unemployed. Also, the family is a blessing. I can't go into much detail because of their privacy. Let's just put it this way, they were dealing with what they're dealing with before much of anything was known about it, which is kind of fascinating and inspiring. I'm also learning from this job.

With all that being said though I have still been looking for another job. A little while ago a friend called me with a possible opportunity. As much as yes I do want something else I feel guilty when I think about quitting and leaving the family without a worker. Hopefully a worker can be found quickly if I do leave. I just can't shake the feeling of feeling like I've wronged them by coming into their lives, their home, and then leaving after such a short time. Much to be prayed about.

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