Monday, August 12, 2013

The Problem with Introversion

I am an introvert. No denying it. I didn't even know what an introvert or extrovert were until a few years ago. It wasn't until relatively recently that I actually knew anything about them other than a very basic, maybe not the most accurate, definition. In the past 6 months I feel I've been reminded of it and the fact that I am an introvert a few times too many.

After going to Glorieta I realized how much of an introvert I am. Too many times I needed to get away from people. By the time it was time to leave I was actually saying, "I need to not be around people." It was just too many people and too much noise and chaos for me. Lack of sleep probably did not help any.

So what is my problem with introverts? It a multifaceted problem but I'll try my best to break it down and explain it in two points.


It's a label. I don't like labels. I don't particularly like this label because it's like I can just use it as a crutch or an excuse. I feel it gets taken as a one size fits all label, that all introverts are the same in that they fit every aspect of the label. This is simply not true. It is stated in some articles I've read that it's a myth that  introverts are shy. But I am often shy. Shy and introverted, double whammy! I've also read introverts are not thrill seekers or adrenaline junkies. Lies! I don't even see how that has anything to do with being an introvert or extrovert. Balls to the wall!

I've seen/read countless articles about introverts: why the world needs introverts, myths about introverts, etc. All these articles, books, TED talks are attempting to define introverts and clarify that introversion is normal and acceptable. It comes off more to me as justifying introversion. That upsets me. Why does it need to be justified? If it's so normal and acceptable though then why are all these necessary. Why do I not see the same number of articles and such on extroversion? It all makes me feel like introversion is an exception or oddity.

Introversion. I don't like it. It is who I am.

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