Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Too comfortable

Sometimes we become to comfortable in the church. Or at least I know I do. Actually the main thoughts running through my head don't necessarily have to do with being too comfortable but I find that thought also running in there so we'll see if they connect somehow as I get this out.

This thought occurred a couple of weeks ago. Our college Sunday school class is actually becoming a class, even more than a class- a college ministry! Seeing every week how our class, I mean ministry, is growing excites me like you can't imagine! There are many familiar faces who have always been around but there are many new faces too.

Some of these new faces aren't really so new to me. They are people I went to high school with. One morning in church there were at least 4 people who I went to high school with. Two who were there for their first time. Where am I going with all this?

I was looking at the Facebook profile of one of the guys who has been coming regularly. That week that there were several people from my high school in church is because that guy invited them. He posted a Facebook status a day or two before Sunday inviting his friends to church. He just started coming and he is already reaching out to people, inviting others to come to church.

Finally, here comes that thought I mentioned. Why am I not doing the same? I am overjoyed to see him reaching out to others but disappointed in myself. When is the last time I invited anyone to church? I fear I've gotten to comfortable in church. I go. I know people there. I tell myself all my friends already have churches they go to, but what about my "friends"- all those people on Facebook who maybe I haven't talked to since high school (if I even talked to them then). A simple status inviting someone to come. It may be just what someone is looking for or waiting for. What if they want to go to church but are scared because they don't know anyone? From my recent couple of months that I was at a different church I know what it feels like to be new, to not know anyone. I ended up going back to my home church (not because of anyone or anything at the other church, just my own fickleness) and becoming comfortable.

So in summary: I need to reach out.

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