Thursday, September 2, 2010

oh K-Love

Whenever K-Love has something that really strikes me I have an, "Oh K-Love," moment. K-Love's encouraging word of the day the other day, actually it was a week or so ago (Aug, 23), was "So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding." (Hebrews 6:1 NASB).

It hit home with me.

Now that I just looked up the verse and read the verses following it again it's given me more to think about. The above verse is only the first half of the verse; however, it's meaning is not loss or changed or being used out of context. So what it taught me:

My focus, spiritually, has been on the same thing. I have pretty much been dwelling on the things from previous posts: sin, forgiveness, shame, etc. While those things are still very relevant, the temptations are still there. It is still a struggle. I can continue growing and learning about and from that but I can't limit myself to just that. If I do limit myself then I won't experience growth or maturity in my understanding. I need to keep spending time with the Lord and learning more about Him then only concentrating on the same principles. How much I will miss out on if I don't continue to mature! I must press on and continue seeking Christ!

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