Monday, June 21, 2010

Africa- Rosedale: Children and Church

One afternoon we went to Rosedale to play soccer with JimLee and whoever might show up. On our way to the (dirt) field we tried getting some kids to come too. Little did we realize that by the time we got to the field we would have a following of children! It started out with everybody kind of unsure of what to do. We brought a soccer ball and frisbee with us but there were so many kids! The boys started playing soccer and frisbee. The girls, lead brilliantly by Lindsay and Morgan, sang silly songs with the kids and played games. By the end of our time with them we had all branched off with some kids all doing different things. I tried learning some Afrikans and then ended up just letting them play with my hair.

The second time we went to play with the kids we had a bit of a rough start. Lindsay, Morgan, and Whitney were all in the car that first went by Paballelo before coming to Rosedale. All of our best leaders in children's songs and games were missing! We tried. We really did but the kids just weren't having us. We led the same songs that Morgan and Lindsay had the week before we just couldn't get it to work though. So once they got there things picked up. It was much like the first time. Silly songs and games. Lindsay tried telling the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego but the kids weren't doing so well at listening. We also attempted Red Rover with the kids. It worked. Not! The first person was called and ran like normal but then everybody ran, from both sides! So we broke them into smaller groups and had several circles of duck, duck, goose going on. Me and Tiffany ended up in a circle with some girls learning I guess you could call it a dance. It was like Little Sally Walker in a way except there was a set dance to do each time. It was fun!

Church. The second Sunday Sloan, Tiffany, and I went to church in Rosedale. Sloan got to preach. He did great, even though each time I tried telling him so it ended up sounding like a back handed compliment. He really did go a good job. He preached on not having a guarantee of tomorrow. He used the following scriptures: James 4:13-15, Proverbs 27:1, Matthew 25:1-13. I'd never really thought about the two fold nature of it that not only could something happen to you and you might not be around tomorrow but also the Lord could come back and you have no tomorrow. I think Matthew 25:1-13 is one of those passages that I tell myself I know what it means but I never did really think about it before.

Suzie, Lena's oldest daughter was at church that day. During our time in Upington Tiffany was able to develop a good relationship with Suzie and spend time with her one on one on multiple occasions. The next day Tiffany met with Suzie again and Suzie surrendered her life to Christ! Amen!

(Whitney's photo)

*I didn't get any photos from church on Sunday. I didn't get any of or with Suzie or Amor either. :( I'm a slacker. But there are many pictures of beautiful children!

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