Wednesday, July 18, 2012

SE Asia 2011: A Walk to the Orphanage

*pictures still to be added* 

Duck through the child sized door out of the bedroom where the girl's are staying. Carefully make your way down the steps. The guys have come to meet up with us at our place. We go down the steps and follow the driveway. Take a left onto the street. To our right is the field. Frequently there are cock fights on the field. There are also soccer games. This is where Emily plays soccer with some kids while Jessica teaches ballet to some girls in the abandoned piece of building adjacent to the field, and I try to occupy the children who don't want to dance or play soccer with bubbles. To our left is a school.

Now you are at the intersection. Going right will take you past the field and then downhill and to Ibu Murney's(?). Going straight takes you uphill to a small complex of houses. We go left. First on the left is the warung (food stall) where we got lunch many times- mei goreng, fried noodles. Then is the warung where we got supper most nights- nasi goreng, fried rice. We pass some house and our friend who hangs around and repeatedly tells us "halo."

The road curves right. On the left is a temple. Keep following the road as it goes uphill. On the left is someone's house who does laundry. There is a girl there we tried talking with but she didn't speak the language we learned. A little farther ahead are some houses on the right. There always seems to be something going on there with lots of music and some cooking. It's like a party!

Pass the fields on both sides. This part of the journey provides a great view of the sun setting.

Then there is a building to the left with doors, and wood, and glass. Not really sure what it is. But now you've reached a shadier part (as in trees, not sketch) and the road levels out, no more uphills.

You then enter into the neighborhood, possibly a different village, I'm not sure where boundaries are. Pass through with houses on both sides until you get to the street. It's a relatively busy street. The road we were just on might have the occasional motorcycle pass you by. Now there are cars, trucks, and motorcycles driving by. We cross the street and go right, walking with the traffic (something that still makes no sense to me). We pass homes and little stores. When you get to the covered platform at the corner that kind of goes over the ditch you take a left. Now we're going down hill. On the right is the path to take you to Old Pak's. Along the side of the path is a sleeping plant. I don't know what it really is called but when you pass your hand or foot over it it goes to sleep.

At the end of the path, where it turns into a wider concrete path with water on both sides, it curves to the right. This is where the girls go first and the guys look down. In the water are women usually doing laundry or bathing. One of the guys said he could tell you the number of cracks in the concrete. Haha!

When you get to the end of the concrete path it is dirt again and an uphill climb. Really it is a climb, with big ruts, and tree roots, but the good news is when  you get to the top you are at the orphanage. If you're lucky, or maybe unlucky, when you get to the top there will be a giant reticulated python, aka big snake!

Selamat Datang! Welcome!

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