Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I post this video for the story he tells in the beginning about the boys who sell themselves to slavery to witness to those people. That's amazing. I'm willing to say it's pretty radical. Extreme.

I don't mean to take anything away from what they did and how amazing I truly do think that it is. That takes a lot of faith and courage. But should the really be considered radical? Or should they be considered normal? I know in the video Paul Walsher does not call them radical or extreme. That is the way we would look at them though, how we would look at their actions.

I question whether it should be considered radical or normal because isn't this what is expected of us? No, not everyone is supposed to sell themselves to slavery with no way out. If everybody did that then there would be no one to reach the other lost people in the world. Yes some people need to stay and witness to the people right here around them. But shouldn't we all be willing to make the kind of sacrifices they made. Shouldn't we all be doing something "radical"? Aren't we told in the Bible to take up our crosses and follow Him. To deny ourselves. Leave everything behind. Count our lives as nothing. If we all did this then their actions would not be considered radical but normal. Expected. Even if it's like I said not everyone, it should still be more. Should it not? Enough that there's no special earthly recognition for your actions. It's just normal.

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